Archive for October, 2010


October 16, 2010

Had a conversation with my mum during dinner.

Mum: Have you ever thought of having a girlfriend?

Me: Huh?

Mum: What if I allowed you to date a girl that you like? Me and your dad cannot always look out for you. You’re not a kid anymore.

Me: Why’d you suddenly asked that? Erm, I believe in fate. If she dislikes you, no matter how you try, its impossible to bring her into my life. I want a long term relationship. Once I date her, I will make sure there won’t be any arguments between us. Well, now I don’t think there are any girls outside there who likes me. I will try my best if there’s any.

One thing about me that I’m too afraid to be in a relationship because I don’t want to lose her.I want to continue the journey with her for the rest of my life.You guys know me, I’m a boring person who don’t know how to make a girl laugh, so the chances of getting a girlfriend is low.